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CRISPR crunch

Genetic engineering CRISPR crunch A row over who invented a new gene-editing technique heats up Feb 20th 2016  |  WASHINGTON, DC  |...

segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2015

Do you know about MIRA's Project? MIRA - Mediterranean

Perfect project people! I think that they make difference in innovation!

Learning more:

The Mediterranean Innovation and Research Action (MIRA) is an INCO-Net Coordination Action financed by the International Cooperation - Capacities Program of the 7th Framework Program of the European Union.
It aims at developing a scientific and technological partnership between the European Union (EU) and the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC), by the use of dialogue platforms, identifying topics of common scientific interest, promoting the creation of an Observatory of EU-MPC scientific cooperation, and promoting the development of the Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space and other join initiatives with a research component such as the Horizon2020 Program of de-contamination of the Mediterranean. Moreover, it support to the functioning of the Monitoring Committee for Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation in S&T (MoCo).

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