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CRISPR crunch

Genetic engineering CRISPR crunch A row over who invented a new gene-editing technique heats up Feb 20th 2016  |  WASHINGTON, DC  |...

sábado, 23 de janeiro de 2016

News from PatentScope

November 19, 2015
Patent data in Korean of the national patent collection of the Republic of Korea is now available in WIPO’s global patent search system PATENTSCOPE.
It includes about 3,400,000 records: bibliographic data, searchable full-text and drawings in Korean with front file data in the new WIPO standard ST96 PDF. Regarding new data, it will become available within a month after their first publication in KIPRIS, the patent search system of the Korean Patent Office (KIPO). For users who do not know the Korean language, the in-house developed tool CLIR will allow them to search in the descriptions and claims in Korean.
The addition of patent data in Korean of the Republic of Korea brings to:
  • over 50 million the total number of patent documents
  • 5 the number of IP5 offices whose full-text is searchable
in the PATENTSCOPE search system.

PATENTSCOPE Translation Now Works with Long Chinese Documents

September 22, 2015
WIPO Translate, the machine translation tool developed by WIPO and available within the PATENTSCOPE user interface, now offers industry-leading translation of full-length Chinese documents into English and vice versa.
Users can now benefit from real-time, automatic translation of long documents. Moreover, WIPO translate has been trained exclusively on Chinese/English patent texts and independent evaluation tools such as BLEU show that it is more accurate than other publicly available solutions (e.g.Google Translate, Microsoft-Bing translate or Baidu translate). As a result, users can get a better, clearer idea of the nature of an invention than may be possible with external translation tools.
WIPO Translate operates with a secure https protocol, meaning that translation activity remains private and cannot be accessed by any third party.

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